Lately my roommates have taken to greeting me by literally calling out the window 'Safe D Begins with Me!' when I get home from work. Yes, I have very entertaining roommates. But I think they may have noticed that I really like safety. So I thought this might be a nice outlet of engaging thoughts around the topic of safety while wearing mouse ears.
So first the basics of safety at Disney...
For those of you who are unfamiliar with safety at Disney, I suggest you start with the basics: Disney's Report On Safety. This report (which is actually a very interesting read, by the way, and as an added bonus comes with pictures) covers everything from how Imagineers incorporate safety into the design of attractions when first building them to the basics of how the attractions are maintained every night when the parks are closed. You can download it at
In that report, you may learn that when Disney talks safety, they talk about it to two major groups: cast members and guests. Guests love to know that Disney is safe, since studies show the level of 'fantastic' of your vacation significantly decreases with an emergency run to the hospital or any major catastrophe (shocking, I know...). And guest safety at Disney is world-class, and even has two spokes-characters, Timon and Pumbaa. There are so many levels of safety built into all of the attractions and the parks themselves, it's something like the number of hidden mickeys around property- the more you look for them, the more you find. The other section of safety Disney talks about less is safety for their cast members. Cast member safety is a bit less fun to talk about, but just as important, as those smiling, happy, and perpetually enthusiastic people all have families and friends and people who care about them who want to see them stay safe. So for cast members, 'Safe D Begins with Me', as it is up to the choices they make every day that help them stay safe so no one gets hurt.
So as I live and play on Disney property, I invite you to come along for my adventure through safety, as my plan for this blog is to show Disney as I see it from my perspective (where admittedly I wear slightly rose-colored safety-focused glasses, so even camoflaged safety sometimes sticks out to me). Buckle up, and please remain seated throughout the duration of the blog, keeping your hands, arms, feet and legs in ergonomic positions at all times.
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